Friday, July 16, 2010


Assalamualaikum and hello to all, especially my Bel130 students (Ehem...),

Past tense was my first lecture with my students last Tuesday. Yes, I know it is BORING (too bad guys, you have to learn it AGAIN and AGAIN) to talk about it since we are learning it as early as 5 years old (or shall I say since we were given book or books as our birthday present). True enough, my students still haven't deleted past tense from their memory. (Due to the fact that, Nabil was able to answer my question though in MALAY). Guys, you owe Nabil this time.

Without wasting any more time, I proceed with the activity, CHAMPAGNE STORY. The moment I mentioned about it, my students went HUH? (They are giving me the blur face, with eyes with open). In case you are wondering what is champagne story, it is basically inculcate writing and speaking in learning. Students need Font sizeto come out with 6 to 8 words (in my case, I gave them the words) and among those words, they must have one character as well as events or holidays or festivals that we have around the world. Later, they need to create a story by using those words in past tense (since I just taught them past tense) without the ending. The other groups need to guess the ending by asking YES/NO questions.

At first the questions and answers session was a bit slow, but when the SECOND GROUP and onwards were presenting (The acting was good as well), there were questions thrown from members of the floor (They already got the rhythm of the game I guess). We ended up laughing, questioning and asking questions. (I noticed that IZZAT was not asking YES/NO questions but that is not the major problem, the participation that count)

All in all, I was enjoying the lesson and also thumbs up to my students because they were able to come out with such a creative story with limited time. I was expecting more adventures experience in next classes and at the same time still get the cooperation from my Bel130. InsyAllah. ;D


  1. yeah2....give us more action and adventure.....

  2. provided you give me your 150% cooperation..btw, I had fun during the champagne story..haha
